• Members

Our members include organisations and individuals across Glasgow with an interest in better food for our city. You can select categories of interest or search for specific words and phrases using the Search bar.

To become a member, you can sign up here.


Skills and resources I/we can share:
Skills and resources I/we need.:

Sarah Latimer

Skills and resources I/we can share: Communications, research, design, IT skills in MS Office, G suite applications, Canva.
Skills and resources I/we need.: More knowledge on gardening techniques.

Rowan Lear

Skills and resources I/we can share: Seeds! Organising and engaging people with seeds! Graphic design, writing, event management and funding bids. And interesting conversations about dormancy, germination and resistance.
Skills and resources I/we need.: Plant biologist, agricultural scientists, permaculturists, seedsaving experts, experienced community gardeners, those who grow or know stories of heritage varieties, indigenous seed sharing and colonial seed journeys, people enthusiastic about co-operative growing, saving and sharing seeds!

Mikaela Lee-Wilson

Skills and resources I/we can share: Experience in community gardening projects / working alongside various strands of the community
Skills and resources I/we need.:

Jodie Lefley

Skills and resources I/we can share: Caring/support work, Adult and child Protection, PVG scheme member. Workshop management with supported individuals, Land work/gardening, Caring for animals. Cooking, Food safety and hygiene. Organisation, Creatively minded and crafty.
Skills and resources I/we need.: Employment opportunities, Volunteering opportunities, Advise on opportunities of working towards qualifications in this fields.

Douglas Leighton

Skills and resources I/we can share: I have some experience of proposal writing, desk top publishing, document design, editing and proof reading.
Skills and resources I/we need.:

Society Zero CIC

Society Zero CIC
We're a CIC focused on reducing waste, increasing knowledge and accessibility on environmental issues and supporting disadvantaged communities.
Unit 9, Huntershill Village 100-102 Crowhill Road, Bishopbriggs, , .

Central and West Integration Network

Central and West Integration Network
Central and West Integration Network is a Scottish Charity which works with individuals and groups to support asylum seekers and refugees, migrant workers and black and minority ethnic people, and works with all communities to promote integration, in the City Centre and West End of Glasgow, across the city of Glasgow and beyond. We currently run a Friday Food Bank (open to anyone who self-identifies as needing the service), Drop-In (free hot lunch, socialising, tea and coffee), and ESOL class services (provided by our partners at Glasgow ESOL Forum) with 80 weekly users. Volunteers are also service users and we have a weekly Steering Meeting
Garnethill Multicultural Centre 21 Rose Street Glasgow G3 6RE, , .

Well-fed Scotland

Well-fed Scotland
Well-fed Scotland are a cic social enterprise. Our organisation's aims are to alleviate food poverty, tackle social isolation and promote social mobility. We operate two community cafes and offer building management services. We use food and the cafes primarily as a tool for engagement and in the operation of a self funded sustainable business. We work closely with communities to respond to local need. Some of the initiatives we currently run are homework clubs. holiday hunger programmes, community meals, food pantry and food themed evenings.
1 North Inch Court Whiteinch Glasgow G14 0UG, , .

Anania Lippi

Skills and resources I/we can share: Cooking skills, expertise in hospitality sector
Skills and resources I/we need.: Network with local food sources in Glasgow