• Members

Our members include organisations and individuals across Glasgow with an interest in better food for our city. You can select categories of interest or search for specific words and phrases using the Search bar.

To become a member, you can sign up here.

Mark Hanlon

Skills and resources I/we can share: Analysis, statistics, research and reporting.
Skills and resources I/we need.: Land, time and money

North Glasgow Healthy Living Community

North Glasgow Healthy Living Community
59 Charles Street Glasgow G21 2PR, , .

Mark Hesling

Skills and resources I/we can share: Seeds / spare plants / strength
Skills and resources I/we need.: Space to grow in the southside

Dorothea Hinrichs

Skills and resources I/we can share:
Skills and resources I/we need.:

Ruth Holllinshead

Skills and resources I/we can share:
Skills and resources I/we need.:

Seonad Hoy

Skills and resources I/we can share: Interested in community growing and improving food security, sustainable living, veganism.
Skills and resources I/we need.:

thomas hughes

Skills and resources I/we can share: Knowledge of community working
Skills and resources I/we need.: Knowledge of growing food

Sarah Hunter

Skills and resources I/we can share:
Skills and resources I/we need.:

Laura Hunter

Skills and resources I/we can share: I have experience with community engagement in the Arts which is transferable to other community projects.
Skills and resources I/we need.: I am looking for clover seeds+any other recommendations in replenishing the ground I am establishing the bee friendly zone in

Verity Hurding

Skills and resources I/we can share: Cooking
Skills and resources I/we need.: Organic Suppliers