Find local food services in your community by using the search function on our map below.

The results are collated by ALISS (A Local Information System for Scotland), a programme funded by the Scottish Government and delivered by the Health Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE).

You can add your service to the map through ALISS, any marked as food related or money advice services that have been listed on their system, will show up on this map

To edit your services through ALISS system, sign up as a user online. You can also contact them for training to use the service

Please note that if there is more than one service at the same location, the map will only show one services when "All" is selected in the categories, so if you are searching for a specific service, e.g. "Food Banks", we recommend clicking this filter below.

Other mapping

The below map primarily shows free or low-cost community food services. The following related maps show other types of services:

Sustainable food businesses in Glasgow - Glasgow Sustainable Food Directory compiled by Slow Food Glasgow and the Glasgow Food Policy Partnership.

Community Fridges across the UK

Composting, bring your food scraps to a soil maker or become a soil maker! MakeSoil

For advice across a broad range of community services please refer to Glasgow Helps online and phoneline services

Independent Food Aid Network has also co-produced a Worrying About Money leaflet for Glasgow in 8 different languages