Glasgow Community Food Network resources
On this page you will find:
- Glasgow, Tackling Poverty with a City Plan by GCFN's Covid-19 response project
- Roots to Market: Towards a Sustainable Local Food Economy in Glasgow (May 2018)
- GCFN Evaluation by the Lines Between
- Minutes from Networking Meetings
Glasgow, Tackling Poverty With a City Plan

From March 2020 to December 2021, Glasgow Community Food Network was working with groups and organisations to provide food to communities. Our project was split into two strands: Distribution and Community Response.
On Thursday December 16th 2021, GCFN launched the report, 'Glasgow, Tackling Poverty With a City Plan'.
Public sector support often does not adequately meet the needs of families. So, through collective and collaborative work with a host of anti-poverty workers, we have made recommendations for a more resilient local food system for the Scottish Government, Glasgow City Council and Third Sector Partners to consider.
And it's for you too! If you're interested in a better, more equitable and more democratic food system then this report, we believe, will provide some illuminating reading.
Amongst many things, we hear about proposals to get Universal Basic Income piloted here in Glasgow, we hear about the experiences of refugees and asylum seekers and those with no recourse to public funds and we hear about ways to get better access to food, particularly for those living in areas of multiple deprivation.
Read the report here.

Roots to Market was a project to support local growers and the developing Glasgow local food economy.
Phase 1 (2017-18) explored the aspirations and needs of growers and chefs, and spoke to various support organisations and the local authority.
Phase 2 (2018-19) built on this work by connecting chefs and growers, facilitating peer learning and collective action that raises the profile of urban market gardens and food producers.
Please click here to download our report on Roots To Market: Towards a sustainable local food economy in Glasgow (May 2018)
Click here to download the Roots to Market update (May 2019) - One year on

In early 2022, The Lines Between were commissioned to evaluate Glasgow Community Food Network, exploring impacts, achievements, challenges and setbacks it has experienced since it was established in 2017.
The evaluation aims were to: describe the work completed by GCFN to date; explore how GCFN has adapted to Brexit and the Covid-19 pandemic; assess how far the outcomes and milestones listed in GCFN’s logic model have been achieved from the organisation’s establishment in 2017 up to March 2022; make recommendations for the immediate future and aims of GCFN.
The Lines Between was also asked to complete an in-depth evaluation of the Food and Climate Action project. The evaluation report (a separate document) presents an assessment of the project’s progress towards its aims in its first year (March 2021-March 2022), and recommendations to improve monitoring and evaluation processes.
Read the report here:
Glasgow Community Food Network; External Evaluation by Between The Lines

Minutes from Meetings
Here you will find minutes from our networking meetings.
Networking Meeting 'The Table is Set' on 2nd of December 2022:
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Break Out Session Notes
- Accounts 2021-2022
- Report of Activities
- Theory of Change (5 Year Plan)