• Members

Our members include organisations and individuals across Glasgow with an interest in better food for our city. You can select categories of interest or search for specific words and phrases using the Search bar.

To become a member, you can sign up here.

Nan Gourlay

Skills and resources I/we can share: Project Management
Skills and resources I/we need.: Links to and knowledge of the current food supply challenges in Scotland

Anna Grady

Skills and resources I/we can share: Nutrition /Food and health training
Skills and resources I/we need.:

Lindsay Graham

Skills and resources I/we can share: Knowledge of public policy, avenues to source funding, can help at events if not working away
Skills and resources I/we need.:

Eilidh Graham

Skills and resources I/we can share: Cycle leading, knowing all the back lanes and routes!
Skills and resources I/we need.:

Amanda Grant

Skills and resources I/we can share: Diabetes, healthy eating, weight management, gardening, growing & cooking
Skills and resources I/we need.: Raising funds & resources

George Gray

Skills and resources I/we can share:
Skills and resources I/we need.:

Chris Guerrillas of Love

Skills and resources I/we can share: geurrilla planting, mostly trees in East Dumbartonshire
Skills and resources I/we need.: people to help plant trees - get in touch via the email address

Rebecca Guthrie

Skills and resources I/we can share: A kitchen, cooking, full driver's license (no car), art and proofreading
Skills and resources I/we need.: Foraging, an outdoor green space, more knowledge about gardening,=

St Paul's Youth Forum

St Paul's Youth Forum
St. Paul’s Youth Forum is a collection of youth focused programmes based in Provanmill in the North East part of Glasgow. Our programmes provide young people between the ages of 0-25 with opportunities to learn, develop, and interact in a safe and fun environment. The aim of our charity is to help young people by improving their conditions of life and alleviating the effects of poverty. Our goal is to deal with many of the issues that children and young people face by strengthening our programmes that focus on exercise, eating, and education. St. Paul’s provides programmes 6 days a week for our young people and all programmes are led by our amazing staff and local volunteers. We have a relational ethos and work with over 250 young people in our base in Provanmill.
St. Paul's Church 30 Langdale Street Provanmill G33 1DL, , .

Wendy Handley

Skills and resources I/we can share:
Skills and resources I/we need.: