• News
  • Peer-Budgeting for Composting Projects Launched

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Composting for the Future Peer-Budgeting

Do you have an idea to improve the composting system in Glasgow that you want to make a reality? Will it benefit local people and the planet? Then we want to hear from you. 

To apply, please complete this Google form. Please send any questions to [email protected]

If you need this information and the application form in an alternative format, please email [email protected]

What’s it all about?

We are a five-year project called Food & Climate Action. We are a partnership of six organisations aiming to create a more positive food system in Glasgow that is kinder to people and the planet. We have a team of Community Activators based in five regions of the city leading on supporting community-led action in each area.

With help from the National Lottery, we are excited to be able to release funds of £15,000 to support 5 groups across the city to take their own composting activity forward. We are able to provide £3,000 per group, to 1 group in each regional area and are opening up applications for groups from Central and West Glasgow. One group will be funded from each area with another 3 being funded from previous assessments.

Across the city, work is ongoing to make connections and link people together who are passionate about food, climate, and making positive change, specifically around community composting.

The Food & Climate Action Composting Budget aims to create more opportunities for communities to explore opportunities for generating compost across the city. Through these monies we are hoping to resource & support the growth of community composting.

What can be budgeted for? 

We would like to support small-scale, community-led composting projects, on a local level in Glasgow. 

We are hoping to see a range of exciting ideas and can fund the following: activities, events, equipment, and resources, community engagement and delivery time including training costs, transport and volunteer expenses, so long as the activity etc. relates to your composting project. We can’t fund any fundraising, political, or statutory activities, or alcohol.

Your idea must have a clear benefit to the local community and be clearly linked to the composting. In your application explain how you know that this idea will be positive or useful.

We are open to funding both new and existing projects. Your idea could be running a new series of events around composting or plans to engage a new audience. It could be about strengthening your current service by adding a composting element to the delivery, or enhancing the community benefit of it. The funds could also be used to purchase resources relating to composting that will enable composting action in your area. If you are hoping to use the available funds on physical resources there needs to be a clear way that the community will access this resource both during and after the funding ends. 

In your application, be sure to let us know how your idea is starting, expanding or strengthening food and climate action.

Eligibility criteria

In order to apply for this fund your project must:

  • Be linked to community composting
  • Be based within the Glasgow city boundaries and linked to a specific area of the city
  • Be a constituted group with a business bank account
  • Have a clear plan for sustainable maintenance after this funding
  • Have clear benefits to the climate

Read the ‘What can be budgeted for?’ section of this application carefully to understand what we’re looking for in your application answers. We will be assessing applications by how well the idea links to what can be budgeted for, by the benefits to the local community, and by how effective the use of the funds are. 

Successful projects will be required to sign a memorandum of understanding with Glasgow Community Food Network, outlining the work, spend and things you want to achieve. 

For monitoring, reporting and evaluationsuccessful projects will be asked to provide simple updates in the form of photos and quotes from participants as their plan’s progress as well as feedback in May 2024 in the form of a short phone call or questionnaire. We will provide a simple evaluation framework and work with you to establish a monitoring schedule.


  • Launch: Thursday 27th June 2024   
  • Application deadline: 27th August 2024, 9 am  
  • Announce candidates going to 2nd round for online peer-budgeting and open voting: 6th September 2024
  • Online voting closes: 13th September 2024, 9 am
  • Announce winners: w/c 16th September 2024
  • All project activity and money spent and evaluations completed: 7th February 2025


Successful groups will have a short phone call with the Food & Climate Action team to reflect on how the funded work is going and be expected to write a short report (guidance will be given on completing this form). We’ll be asking for information on the kind of engagement and feedback you’ve had with the local community and things like numbers engaged with during the project and projected numbers that will benefit long term.

Time to get your ideas down on paper! Please ensure you give us a summary paragraph of your application/plans and links to your organisation for putting on the Survey Monkey system for the online vote.


See below for FAQs or download the live doc.

Alternative Composting Models Research

In 2023, we commissioned Propagate to write a report on Alternative Composting Models so we can better understand the possible options for community and larger-scale composting in Glasgow. We’re very pleased to be able to share this with you now.

This report is intended as a helpful tool not only for those considering applying to our Community Composting Peer-Budgeting opportunity but also for keen composters who may not want, feel ready or need to apply for our peer-budgeting scheme.

Our mission is simple: Get Glasgow Composting!

Download the report.