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We've got funding pots of £500 - £3k available for community groups in Glasgow delivering food and climate projects.

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About the Food and Climate Action Project

Based on years of collaborative action in Glasgow and beyond, the Food & Climate Action project aims to work alongside local communities to co-create a more resilient food system that is fairer and kinder to both people and the planet.

Led by Glasgow Community Food Network and funded by the National Lottery, the 5-year project is a partnership between Urban Roots, Glasgow Eco Trust, The Space, St Paul’s Youth Forum and Central & West Integration Network.

The project has five key strands of activity including: increasing urban agriculture within the city, engaging and empowering people of all ages through food education, establishing community-led green assemblies, collating all learning in an online food hub (via our Find Local Food Services map and our Resources page) and, previously,  supporting action around COP26. The work connects to wider action on climate and food through policy and campaigns activity including the aims of the Glasgow City Food Plan.

Our current focuses include:

  • Climate Crumbs, our free professional development programme for community practitioners
  • Composting for the Future, a campaign supporting community groups to realise their composting projects through peer budgeting and working to understand the composting systems at local and national levels
  • Food education, delivering cooking and growing workshops and activity across the in partnership with our host organisations which also educate about and generate positive climate action and,
  • Urban Agriculture, exploring how we can aid climate positive food production processes in Glasgow, particularly centring on our work in Ruchill to look at the potentials for regenerating part of the disused golf course into an urban farm.

Key Outputs

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