Art in the Gart

Idea in a Nutshell

Phase 1 will look at the infrastructure & working with the existing compost to get it into a better state, & having some very clear signage made up. They have highlighted a need to get to the bottom of the compost pile to see what nick the compost is in at the bottom of it. Art in the Gart will also explore moving the compost bays to a sunnier spot, & possibly replace the wooden slats.

Phase 2 will see 5 training sessions with garden volunteers & bed holders on how to compost.


Art, architecture, design, music and nature all have a positive impact on our health. The NHSGGC arts programmes aim to create safe and welcoming environments and positive experiences for patients, visitors and staff.

The programme is based on growing evidence of the positive psychological, physical and biological effects of arts participation and is inspired by the creative talent of Scotland. All our work is developed in collaboration and supported by arts, education and voluntary sector partners.