Cranhill Community Garden

Idea in a Nutshell

We want to develop a Jora-based composting system in our community garden for community use. We want to introduce a few Jora bins and hotbox which will provide compost for our garden and for local residents to use. We will run a compost day event and invite our neighbours to join us in the garden to find out about how to access the new composting bins and how to use them.


The community garden sits within Cranhill Development Trust and we have existed on site for over 20 years. Our community garden has had various and incremental developments over the years including installation of:

- Children's play area

- Outdoor kitchen

- Converted shipping containers

- Outdoor gazebo

- Community orchard and biodiversity areas

- Live willow structures and boundary fences

- Bike rack

We are committed to co-designing our services and spaces with those who use our services. We use informal and formal methods when engaging with the community, encouraging high engagement from our service users, and ensuring we hear from a wide range of demographics.

Find Out More

Cranhill Community Gardens Facebook Page