(Friends of Garnethill Green Spaces)

Idea in a Nutshell

We will use the peer budgeting fund to remodel our composting system in order to make it more accessible and easier for people to use. It will demonstrate different composting methods including hot composting. We will also provide signage and interpretation.

We also hope to lead on a local compost partnership project, called 'Compost on the Hill'. This will bring together various organisations in the area to coordinate composting activities and drop-off points.


FROGGS volunteers led by Margaret Watt have been maintaining a small community garden in Garnethill since 2016. We have had several composting workshops already led by Jennifer MacGillivray the Community Activator for Food and Climate Action. FROGGS maintains several growing areas of vegetables, also a worm farm, and 3 composters which have been producing compost for a few years now.

Froggs 1

We are also working on looking after Garnethill Park and have planted and maintained the wildflower meadow at the Viewpoint in Garnethill to serve as a wildlife habitat.

Find Out More

FROGGS Facebook Group