St. Paul's Youth Forum

Idea in a Nutshell

We will be setting up an exciting new composting facility at our new community farm in Blackhill, using two Jora JK400 composters to compost the organic waste produced by the farm, whilst also providing a composting facility for our wider organisation, composting food waste produced by our community cafe and kitchen. This composting facility will also be a learning hub, promoting the science and benefits of composting to the wider community working with local volunteers and our local school.


St. Paul's Youth Forum delivers a collection of nationally-recognised, multi-award-winning youth and community-focused programmes based in Blackhill/Provanmill - North East Glasgow. We were originally formed in 1997 with the aim of helping young people improve their conditions of life and alleviating the worst effects of poverty. As a community anchor organisation, we provide opportunities to learn, develop, and interact in a safe, fun, and inclusive environment. We run programmes 7 days a week for our young people, their families, and the wider local community, working with approximately 1100 people per week. working with approximately 1100 people per week. Blackhill's Growing ensures a dignified approach to food poverty by growing, cooking, sharing, and eating nutritious food together. This is done through a variety of programmes including developing an urban farm in the heart of Blackhill, working with local primary schools and nurseries, and helping people grow at home and in their gardens. We also run a community growing space, cooking classes, low-cost fruit and veg barras, a free community larder, and twice weekly community meals, to counteract the effects of food insecurity and isolation. Additionally, SPYF recently re-opened a disused community centre and is vastly expanding services as a result, i.e. through the opening of a community cafe, a community ICT room, and providing space for hire by local organisations.


We are in an ideal position to make use of this money as we have a significant reach within our community, and would be able to raise awareness of community composting both directly and indirectly with a lot of people. We have a strong history of partnership working with many local organisations, including our local primary school, nursery, and our local GP surgery, and have built up these relationships up over many years of sustained collaboration. We also have passionate and knowledgeable staff who work closely across our community and are in a great position to embed composting across our organisation and across Blackhill more widely.

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