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Glasgow’s Food & Climate Action at COP26
One of the largest events Glasgow has ever hosted is just around the corner with the climate conference, COP26, starting on the 31st of October lasting for the first two weeks of November.
At Glasgow Community Food Network we are organising ahead of the conference and would like to invite you to events led by our Food & Climate Action project team – some for you to listen to, others to learn from and others to support you to take action. There is also a consultation workshop where we want to hear YOUR views on local food that is accessible for everyone.
Our city-wide events that are open to everyone include:
Thank you for the Rain: Film screening & Panel Discussion (23rd October)
As part of the Take One Action film initiative, this documentary looks at the work of one Kenyan farmer in the face of increasingly extreme weather conditions. It will be followed by a panel discussion led by refugee women farmers from Central and West Integration Network's Empowering Women in Urban Agriculture project.
Local Food for Everyone: Glasgow Consultation Workshop (26th October)
Join us for an interactive online workshop and add your voice and views to Glasgow’s response to the Scottish Government local food consultation.
Rooftop Resilience: An Intercultural Dialogue (28th October)
With insights from India and Scotland, come along to an online webinar on how rooftop growing in cities can help us build a more climate resilient food system.
Glasgow Urban Growing Open Day (2 Nov TBC)
Come join us at multiple sites across the city for a ‘doors open day’ - urban growing style! We’ll be at market gardens, community gardens, allotments and other spaces over the course of the day talking about why growing food in the city can help us respond to the climate emergency. Pop along to a space near you.
Urban Agroecology: International and Local Perspectives (8th Nov)
With speakers including international experts and local Glasgow growers, this online session will explore all the different elements of urban agroecology - practical, political, social and ecological! It features as part of the COP26 Coalition People’s Summit.
Land, Food, Power (9th November)
As part of the People’s Summit, this in-person event will explore the land and power dynamics that impact every aspect of our food system and create challenges for communities organising in response to the multiple ecological crises we face. You can either register here with us through Eventbrite for more info or just turn up to Civic House on the day.
Soil Cycles and Ecological Rifts - A practical workshop (10th Nov)
For this hands-on workshop, participants will learn about soil types, how it develops and what we can do to repair our ecological and spiritual rift with soil
For more food and climate activity during the next few weeks, why not explore the different programmes of events as part of the People’s Summit from the COP26 Coalition and the Recipes for Resilience space hosted by Nourish, or the Climate Fringe website.
The Food & Climate Action project is funded by the National Lottery Climate Action Fund.