Our members include organisations and individuals across Glasgow with an interest in better food for our city. You can select categories of interest or search for specific words and phrases using the Search bar.
To become a member, you can sign up here.
Mairi Robertson
Skills and resources I/we can share:
Skills and resources I/we need.:
Govan Community Project
Govan Community Project
Govan Community Project, formerly Govan & Craigton Integration Network, is a community based organisation working in the south of Glasgow. Originally a response of community and church members to the needs of newly arrived asylum seekers, we have developed over the years to become a local charity working with and for all the diverse communities of the Greater Govan area and beyond.
We provide direct services such as weekly drop-ins, advice, information and advocacy, cultural events, a community flat, English classes, destitution food project, hate-crime reporting and an interpreting service. In addition the network facilitates forums bringing together public, voluntary and community organisations with local people to help plan public services, promote equal rights and opportunities and cross-cultural understanding, and to build bonds and links within and between communities.
The Pearce Institute
840-860 Govan Road
G51 3UU, , .
kevin rooney
Skills and resources I/we can share:
Skills and resources I/we need.:
Olga Rosique Vazquez
Skills and resources I/we can share:
Skills and resources I/we need.:
Anne Ross
Skills and resources I/we can share: Musician
Skills and resources I/we need.:
Sylvie Rowland
Skills and resources I/we can share:
Skills and resources I/we need.:
Angela Ryan
Skills and resources I/we can share: Office admin advice
Skills and resources I/we need.: Starter pack / guidance
We are an international design team born at the Innovation School at Glasgow School of Art. Currently envisioning future food systems South-West Scotland.
30 Hill St, Glasgow G3 6RN, , .
Pasna Sallis
Skills and resources I/we can share:
Skills and resources I/we need.: Access to a community garden for berry picking to make jam with older adults residing in Care Homes. Also need access to an accessible community kitchen.
North Glasgow Community Food Initiative
North Glasgow Community Food Initiative
Our Vision
A society where health, well-being and harmony is supported within active communities.
Our Strategic Goal
To empower individuals and communities to lead practical and sustainable food related activities that improve health and well-being and which help build stronger, more cohesive communities.
We deliver our food related activities primarily in our three food hub areas of Milton, Springburn and Royston. Our ‘fruit barras’ sell fresh, affordable fruit and vegetables in a range of community venues. We can support you to learn to grow your own fruit and veg. We have a community garden at Milton, allotments at Springburn and Germiston and growing spaces in and around Royston Primary School. We support local people and school pupils to improve cooking skills and diets. We share how to cook healthy meals with fresh food on a budget. We deliver over 30 community meals per year.
North Glasgow Community Food Initiative (NGCFI)
St. Andrew’s Church,
Liddesdale Square,
Glasgow, G22 7BT, , .